Bali in 25
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Teacher: None
Studio: None
The Lord's day. Today no yoga shall be practised. I hereby pronounce it forbidden for the next twenty-four hours, banished from the land. I'm taking another self-imposed day of rest, my own personal Sabbath. After a long workday I'm back home getting ready to go out for the night. I'm not necessarily going to finish this bottle of champagne on my own, but you never know. Tonight is a surprise party for a good friend I haven't seen in a long time. It also marks the last night I'll be drinking at all for the next nine weeks. The Vibrant Living program in Bali recommends that each student use the month leading up to the training to experiment with some diet changes, preparing for the raw, living food submersive experience. Over the next few weeks I'll doing my best to avoid meat, dairy, refined sugar and processed foods, and I'll be cutting alcohol and caffeine out completely. It's not that I necessarily want to be chaste in every aspect of my life forever, but at the same time I can't help becoming more conscious of what I introduce to my system. The positive effects of a healthy diet are becoming too blatantly obvious to ignore anymore. I'm interested in consuming as precisely as possible exactly what is necessary to keep this android I currently reside within, my quantum-physical, bio-mechanical, bipedal, electro-magnetic machine, operating in its best possible condition. At the end of the day, if it doesn't serve me it's unlikely I will gravitate toward it. As my body continues to get healthier and more capable, the less self-inflicted damage I want done to it. Amen.
Teacher: None
Studio: None

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