Day 87
Style: Personal Sequence
Teacher: Self
Studio: Rama Lotus
I'm going to Bali. I'm traveling half-way around the globe to Indonesia to study yoga. I sent in my application and deposit and I've been accepted. It's still completely surreal.
I will be studying at the Anahata Resort in Bali, near the city of Ubud. The organization is called Vibrant Living and it looks absolutely amazing. I stumbled across their website months ago and thought it looked incredible, never thinking I would sign up. Over the last few weeks of the challenge my intuition has been resurfacing that thought over and over. Bali. Bali. Bali. Finally I decided. I'm doing it. Before I knew it I had filled out the application and sent it in. Now it's set in stone. I can't believe it! It's a one month intensive course after which I will be fully certified. Although I have a feeling my training will be far from over at that point, it's an awesome prospect. Now I have very little time to organize my travel plans and complete the reading list. There are three books that are required reading: Jivamukti Yoga, by Sharon Gannon and David Life, The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, by T. K. V. Desikachar, and Loving What Is, by Byron Katie. Book reports are due on all three titles in a few short days, so I definitely have my work cut out for me. It seems like an amazing well-rounded organization and I'll be writing more about it over the next few weeks.
Also, I conveniently figured out a way to wrap up the blog. The answers came. I leave for Bali around the 13th of May, a little over a month from now. I'm going to continue my challenge right up until the day I leave. When I'm there, I will be penning the experience in my journal, day after day, and when I come home I will have the final posts. The whole experience will culminate with my training in Bali. What will happen in the days after that, I have no idea.
Waking up this morning with the incredible buzz of adventures around the world to come, I decided to head over to Rama Lotus and join in practice with Shawna and Todd Lavictoire. As usual Shawna provided the soundtrack, this time shifting from Hip-Hop to a jazzier, Trip-Hop/Soul experience. Another member of the weekend teacher training, Pierre, also showed up to join in the self-led practice. Again the experience was sublime, constructing a personal practice to the ambient vocals and instrumentals that flooded the room. The procession of the poses became an aerodynamic spacecraft and I traveled through time and dimension, parallel Universes and alternate realities. Landing back home in savasana I awoke with an electrical excitement coursing through my veins. I'm going to Bali.
Teacher: Self
Studio: Rama Lotus

I will be studying at the Anahata Resort in Bali, near the city of Ubud. The organization is called Vibrant Living and it looks absolutely amazing. I stumbled across their website months ago and thought it looked incredible, never thinking I would sign up. Over the last few weeks of the challenge my intuition has been resurfacing that thought over and over. Bali. Bali. Bali. Finally I decided. I'm doing it. Before I knew it I had filled out the application and sent it in. Now it's set in stone. I can't believe it! It's a one month intensive course after which I will be fully certified. Although I have a feeling my training will be far from over at that point, it's an awesome prospect. Now I have very little time to organize my travel plans and complete the reading list. There are three books that are required reading: Jivamukti Yoga, by Sharon Gannon and David Life, The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, by T. K. V. Desikachar, and Loving What Is, by Byron Katie. Book reports are due on all three titles in a few short days, so I definitely have my work cut out for me. It seems like an amazing well-rounded organization and I'll be writing more about it over the next few weeks.
Also, I conveniently figured out a way to wrap up the blog. The answers came. I leave for Bali around the 13th of May, a little over a month from now. I'm going to continue my challenge right up until the day I leave. When I'm there, I will be penning the experience in my journal, day after day, and when I come home I will have the final posts. The whole experience will culminate with my training in Bali. What will happen in the days after that, I have no idea.
Waking up this morning with the incredible buzz of adventures around the world to come, I decided to head over to Rama Lotus and join in practice with Shawna and Todd Lavictoire. As usual Shawna provided the soundtrack, this time shifting from Hip-Hop to a jazzier, Trip-Hop/Soul experience. Another member of the weekend teacher training, Pierre, also showed up to join in the self-led practice. Again the experience was sublime, constructing a personal practice to the ambient vocals and instrumentals that flooded the room. The procession of the poses became an aerodynamic spacecraft and I traveled through time and dimension, parallel Universes and alternate realities. Landing back home in savasana I awoke with an electrical excitement coursing through my veins. I'm going to Bali.
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