Day 51
Style: Hatha Intermediate
Teacher: Roxanne Joly
Studio: Upward Dog
I'm in the mood for something new. For a while now I've had my eye on Upward Dog, a Yoga centre in the heart of the market, and today after work I decided to try it out. It's a beautiful place, with at least three separate studios. The one I was in had tall ceilings and cork floors, with an inviting, calming ambiance. Our instructor tonight also happens to be the founder and director of the centre, leading the class through a challenging and specific sequence, floating through the room expertly applying posture modifications. I'm finding it easier to hold my gaze, or drishti. Even with the interfering calamity of renegade thoughts, my eyes are starting to respond to my control, remaining relaxed but firm, unflinchingly fixed on a set target. It seems like a simple task, focusing your line of sight and holding it there. Try it. It's always been a battle for me. With every interfering thought I would notice my gaze drift slightly, trailing off-course, unable to maintain its position. After a blink or two, thousands of thoughts have snap crackle and popped through my mind's eye, scattering my concentration. Before I know it I'm holding my breath and fighting myself, making the poses harder then they need to be. Nothings perfect, but today I notice that it is getting easier. Little by little, change truly is occurring.
Teacher: Roxanne Joly
Studio: Upward Dog

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