Day 49
Style: Power
Teacher: Bryan Kest (DVD)
Studio: Home Practice
Flying through the Universe, catapulted from the dream-state and crash-landing into my bed, I'm back on Earth. Waking up, showering, and walking downstairs, Sunday morning sunshine washes in through the windows and across my hardwood floors. Initially I was planning on an evening Vinyasa to wrap up the weekend, but I have a bit of an Olympic dilemma. Canada plays the US tonight in men's hockey for the Gold medal on the final day of the Olympics. I think it would be wise to keep my evening open. Instead, before I do anything, I'll unroll my mat for another home yoga. Of the five or so classes-on-tape given to me by Mike, this morning I think I'll try Bryan Kest's second of the three in his Power yoga series. The first was called Energize, second is called Tone, and the third is Sweat, and are described as beginner, intermediate and advanced respectively. Despite having a vintage, dated feel to the DVDs, the instruction and sequencing are top quality. I'm even digging the 1990's relapse. You can see for yourself.
I'm also using this early morning freedom to investigate possible international travel involving yoga. A preliminary internet scouting mission, bringing back information on flight prices and different yoga-organizations and workshops world-wide. I want an adventure. I'm ready.
Teacher: Bryan Kest (DVD)
Studio: Home Practice

I'm also using this early morning freedom to investigate possible international travel involving yoga. A preliminary internet scouting mission, bringing back information on flight prices and different yoga-organizations and workshops world-wide. I want an adventure. I'm ready.
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